Document d'archives : Lascelles, Mary Madge

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 36-133

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Thomas Whittemore Esq.,
The Continental Savoy, Cairo April 6th 1928
The Residency
Cairo, Egypt
Dear Mr. Whittemore,
Thank you very much for the loan of the Art Bulletin. I have read Wilpert's Article with interest & (I hope) profit. He is very drastic & I should like to read a reply from Louis Bréhier or one of those he treats so unceremoniously.
Occasionally he only succeeds in convincing me that the objects are all made by one man – or in one school, but does not seem to prove the school to be modern. I do not accept ugliness as a proof of modernity. He seems to do so.
However, as I have only seen a very small part of the stuff he writes about, I am not in a position to estimate his accuracy.
Yours sincerely Las##
I hope you will remember the Coptic ( ?) rug & that an « appreciation » of it would be valuable to Eric Maclagan if you have time to send him one.

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
