Document d'archives : [Varia]

Contenu :

Présentation du contenu
Contains other materials such as : brochures or leaflets about Club Impérial, Addis-Abeba in Ethiopia, and Messageries Maritimes ; ca. 1930 postcards from Ethiopia ; an invitation from the Ambassador of the United States of America and Mrs. Dunn to Thomas Whittemore ; a letter in French and Arabic from Monsieur G. Brinton ; a newspaper clipping from The Atlanta Journal (29 April 1943) ; an invoice from R. B. Fleming to Whittemore on 04 July 1924 ; a lunch invitation from “S. A. Prince Youseff Kamal” to Whittemore on 24 November 1939 ; a souvenir photograph from Egypt ; and many more.

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 24-2/7

Ressources complémentaires :

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
