Document d'archives : TRANSPORTS ETRANGERS : Etats-Unis - National bureau of standars modeling for the N.E.C.T.P. ( Gaithersburg, MO) U.S....

Titre :

TRANSPORTS ETRANGERS : Etats-Unis - National bureau of standars modeling for the N.E.C.T.P. ( Gaithersburg, MO) U.S. département of transportation 1969 - H.S.G.T. mode service analysis in the mortheast corridor. ( Washington, D.C.) 1969 U.S. departement of transportation - Program analysis techniques : A selected bibliography revised. ( ) 1969 Bureau of the budget Library - Applying the concepts of program budgeting to the New-York city police departement. (A. J. Tenzer, J. B. Benton and C. Teng ) 1969 Memorandum R. M. 5846. NYC - A. model and computer code for alternative air passenger processing strategies. 1969 Memorandum R. M. 5818 - P. A. - Systems for air transportation seruing New York metropolitan a rea, 1975 - 1980. ( ) 1969 Memorandum R. M. - 5819 - P. A. - The potential of V/Stol airerult for passenger travel in the New-York region. ( ) 1969 Memorandum R. M. - 5816 - P.A. - Benefits of interstate highways. ( ) 1970 Commitee print - Fy program budget for 1972 program proposals. ( .) 1970 Departement of transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Bureau of public Roads -  : Annual report. 1970 The Rand corporation - Modat evolution of intercity travel demand : A markovian analysis. ( .) 1966 Institute of transportation and traffic enginecring - Pennsylvania's planning, programming budgeting system. ( ) 1970 Institute of Public Administration - Determination and application of an objectif programs struture to selection of public projects in transports. ( .) 1971 J.F.O.R.S

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