Document d'archives : 6 juin 1932

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 35-022

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Dear Whittemore,
June 6 1932
10, Kings Avenue, Bromley, Kent.
I am sending these few final notes on St Sophia and unless I am mistaken nothing more on the subject will be sent you. I am sorry I did not keep copies of St Sophia mosaics – perhaps you could send me them – a short story of early days searching for « marbles » to use the old word & some notes of travellers to St Sophia would I think make an interesting story.
My last book by Jacob Spon « Voyage en Grece et au Levant 1675 & 1676 avec le Sieur Wheeler ». Published Lyons 1678 has nothing of interest he only mentions the mosque and says others have described it. He wrote several books - on Grece & the East but they are of no interest as he states he travelled with Wheeler. I have given you Wheelers account – Mointel the French ambassador makes no mention of St Sophia & confines himself chiefly to the palace. You should try to get copies of Grelots drawings, he was at Consple [Constantinople] when Dr Covel was chaplain – & at the same time the place was visited by Spon and Wheeler. There seemed to be in those days & no doubt is today considerable rivalry & possibly jealousy in others getting the better of one.
An interesting receipt by Grelot given to the ambassador shows that Grelot must have been an artist of some merit, for I find the following (in Covels letters book 22910 page 187).
« Je soussigné confessi avoir donne a monsieur Stanier pour Monsieur Covel le dessin que ja'y faict à la plume de la ville de Constantinople et de luy avoir promis de rien retenir devers moy n'y d'en dessigner ou faire designer n'y graver d'autre de la meme ville …
Le sieur Covel mettra le nom de l'auteur du dict dessin au bas de la planche quand il la fera graver et etant gravee m'en enverra a Paris deux exemplaire. J'ay recue pour la ditte figure quatre vingt dix livres signed april 1679.
I do not find this copy, nor does it appear to have been published. Covel, Spon & Wheeler travelled together to Smyrna & each kept their secrets. There is a drawing of the walls it may be that - but 90 L in those days seems a large amount. Lest I should mislay my notes you had better have the following.
British Museum m/ss dept
22910 Dr Covel's letters and documents 22911 Idem – mostly religious
22912 Journal travels in Asia & Italy 1670/78 with plans & inscriptions 22913 Journal Smyrna to Geneva 1677-/78
22914 Journal Asia Grece & Europe 1676/79-80
Volume 22912 mentions the walls of Constantinople, also mentions Dr Spons and Wheeler.
I think you will agree with me that the only description of any value is Dr Covel's – it now remains to be seen how much of what he describes is still under lime & plaster.
Y[ou]rs sincerely Arthur Baker

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
