Document d'archives : “Egypt Ancient / [ARCHITECTURE]” = [Sculpture de l'Egypte ancienne / (fouilles de El-Amarna) ]

Contenu :

Présentation du contenu
Contains an article by Bernard Peterson, “Boston Gets Relics of the First Attempt at World Peace 3000 Years Ago, ” in the “BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921, ” which describes the archaeological work and findings of the Egypt Exploration Society in the historical site of Akhetaton or Tell el-Amarna. It also contains postcards from the “AMTLICHE VERÖFFENTLICHUNG / DER STAATL. MUSEEN ZU BERLIN” and black-and-white photographs of Ancient Egyptian busts, statues, and mummies. One photograph has a description of : “Village house Reis Mohamed Amad tending fire / Room IV. 60. Village with / Reis Mohamed Amad who dug it. / Tell el-Amarna 1921-1922.”.

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 7-1/4 a-h

Observations :

  • According to the article by Bernard Peterson, “[t]he work of excavation was entrusted to Professor T. Eric Peet of Liverpool Uni- / versity as director, assisted by Mr. A. G. / K. Hayter, who had spent a part of the / season of 1914 with the Germans at El / Amarna; Mr. F. G. Newton, archeological / architect; Mr. P. L. O. Guy and Mr. Ray- / mond Perry. Professor Thomas Whitte- / more, American director, was unable to ar- / rive until the close of the excavation, be- / ing detained in Constantinople on account / of work for the Russian refugees. / Here the Egypt Exploration Society of / England and the United States are to con- / tinue the systematic clearance of the en- / tire site section by section. The anti- / quities thus recovered are to enrich the / museums and institutions contributing to / support the excavation.”
  • The original title [ARCHITECTURE] was strikethrough.

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
