Document d'archives : Wrench, John Evelyn

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 37-266

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
The Duke's House Lawrence Street Chelsea S.W.3
14 January, 1936
Dear Professor Whittemore,
I was so glad to know that you were in London.
As it happens the English-Speaking Union is giving a quite informal lunch of about a dozen people to Mr. & Mrs. Norman Davies on Friday next, the 17th, at 1.15 at Dartmouth House, 37 Charles Street, Berkeley Square. Among those who are coming is Lady Bryce, who I know wants to see you again.
Would there be any chance of your being able to join us, as it would give me the pleasure of seeing you again in addition to the chance of your having a talk with Lady Bryce ?
With kind regards and hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you.
Yours sincerely, Evelyn Wrench
P.S. Would you mind ringing up my secretary at Regent 5051. Professor Thomas Whittemore
11, Carlton House Terrace,
[Verso de la main de Whittemore]
Dear Boris; Here word asking you to go to Carlton House to get striped morning trousers – (not coat) with one soft linen (not evening) shirt and take them to Paris & beg Mrs Hooper's brother to bring them to me
Yours ever aff[ectionately]

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
