Document d'archives : 25 novembre 1932

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 38-308

Description physique :

Description physique: copie pelure sans signature

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Paris, November 25th, 1932.
My dear Mr. Whittemore,
According to your desire, I looked over the booklet of Fossati and found there nothing regarding the Narthex except the text on pp. 28-29, the translation of which had been previousy forwarded to you by Boris. In that passage Fossati mentions the mosaic of the Central Lunette E and designs the figure surrounding Christ as Virgin and Archangel Gabriel (Medallions) and identifies the Emperor as Constantine IV Pogonatus. Sole the dates of his rule – Sept. 668 – Sept. 685 – prove the impossibility of such supposition.
On the other hand, I found there some references regarding his treatment of mosaics, which I am attaching hereto. Though they do not contain any technical details, still they may be interesting for us as revealing the spirit in which the work was carried on by Fossati. They seem to have constantly thought of their successor who would be fortunate enough as to unveil the artistic treasures of S. Sophia to the World, they desired the mosaic to be kept in "a safe-deposit vault" for your resoration work. I hope these texts may be of some interest to you.
Boris will kindly send you these lines and the references with his today's letter sia S/S "LEVIATHAN"; Other references regarding S. Sophia will follow with the next boats.
Heartiest regards from us both and west wishes.
Ever yours affectionately, (sgd) VLADIMIR

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
