Document d'archives : 17 janvier 1938

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 36-087

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Professor T.E. Whittemore, 712 Sears Building, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
British Museum, London, W.C.1
17th January, 1938
Dear Whittemore,
I send you herewith a very encouraging letter from Radford, the Director of the British School at Rome. I have told him that you will put yourself in touch with him and Walker.
I said nothing about remuneration for this young man except that if the man were found his terms could doubtless be arranged. So I leave this part of the business to you. I believe that the stipends of these art students at Rome are £ 250 a year.
All good wishes.
Y[ou]rs ever,
E.J. Forsdyke

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
