Document d'archives : 12 octobre 1932

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 35-024

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Dear Prof.
Wed[nesday] 12 oct 32
10, Kings Avenue, Bromley, Kent.
I certainly hope you will not only come out to see me but also to stay the night and I plan not only to have a day with you in London at the Geographical Society and the B[ritish] M[useum] but also hope you will find time to take a run out to Seven Oaks to see something of the gardens of Kent & my brother too, he has made a speciality of Iris & bulbs and has many varieties from Asia Minor the Caucasus - Persia & Central Asia. It would perhaps be best if I came to you Friday morning to make arrangements, or if it suits you best plan out what suits you & I will agree for I am free lance
Y[ou]rs sincerely Arthur Baker

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
