Document d'archives : 24 mai 1934

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 37-257

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Victoria & Albert Museum London S.W.7.
May 24th 1934.
My dear Whittemore
Thank you very much indeed for your letter and for your congratulations and good wishes, which I much value. I shall be sorry to leave the Museum in many ways, but I am delighted at the idea of going back to Cambridge. The work at Cambridge will give me more time for my own work both archaelogical and textile. You must come to see us there when we are settled. We do not leave London till towards the end of September.
I only wish I could run out to see you and to see your new and exciting things, and also to dash to Troy to see the Tombs. Unfortunately there is so much to do to finish up here and to prepare for Cambridge that I cannot travel this year. New year, who knows ? I want very much to take my wife to Stamboul which she has never yet seen.
We have looked at the stuff in your mosaic photograph and cannot recognise it as a textile pattern. It looks much more like a pure mosaic pattern – or architectural – don't you get something like this in marble relief slabs ? Who is the emperor ? Justinian ? ? hardly contemporary I suppose ? See I'm consumed with curiosity-
Yours ever
A[lan] J[ohn] B[ayard] Wace

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Collège de France - Service des archives
