Document d'archives : [Emer], L.

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 35-064

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture,
491 Boylston Street Boston
Senlis Sept. 5th 34
My dear Thomas Whittemore,
In three days we shall be sailing back to Boston – a fact that seems to remove us another long step from you and your great work.
Reports from Istanbul tell if damage to the church of Sta Sophia by fire – of resulting uncertainty as to its stability and now speak of its being used in part as a museum. Fancy & fact are probably mingled in these reports, but I have wished all summer that I might avail myself of your invitation to make a visit to your operations. I had to decide against it as I wrote you and am glad to be able to report that Mrs Ermeloff is well rested and has regained her strength.
I should not have been content to have her for Istanbul while she was so exhausted & am writing to share my regrets with you & to tell you of a pleasant call I had a couple of weeks ago on Mr Ermeloff.
This carries good wishes for health and success to you from us both.
Sincerely yours
L Emer

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Collège de France - Service des archives
