Document d'archives : 1 février 1938

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 37-218

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Feb. 1, 1938
M. Rostovtzeff Professor Ancient History
Yale University New Haven, Connecticut
My dear Whittemore
My wife and myself will be very, very glad to see you in New Haven Febr. 22. Please come strait from the station to our house for lunch at ¼ to 1 p.m. You will have ample time to appear at the opening of the Exhibition of our textiles. You know our adress : 470 Whitney Av. app. B22. Please let us know the exact time of your arrival in order that my wife be home at that time. I have a lecture [mot barré] that morning but will be in at about 12.30.
Au revoir, à bientôt
Sincerely yours
M. Rostovtzeff
P.S. Do you want to see somebody of your friends at lunch ? Please let me know whom.

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
