Document d'archives : 10 mars 1932

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 35-016

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
[adresse barrée : Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore, London, S.W.7 ]
Dear Prof. Whittemore,
A.Baker 10 Kings Avenue Bromley Kent
Mar 10. 32
I have not yet found your print – but have found a reference to the monastery of St Paul which led to placing it at the head of the Wady El Deir to the south of Gebel el Qulala on the west side of the gulf of Suez – the Society have a map of the district.
Now that I know exactly where it is I will have another try at the British Museum. I only examined their prints of Sinai, Arabia & those districts East of the Red Sea. I traced its whereabouts from a reference (page 167) in the Wilderness of Sinai by Bendwell.
When in Cons[tantino]ple it was through me that Rufstahl bought an old Greek m/s of the Gospels with a chapter on Simeon Stylites. It was this latter which induced him to buy it. I believe the m/s went to the Metropolitan Museum. Do you know if they ever did anything with it – it should be translated.
Yrs sincerely Arthur Baker
The enclosed notes are books on Sinai which I scanned through. These are the only books the Society have on the subject.

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