Document d'archives : Ryerson, E.

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 35-005

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Dearest Tom,
C & S Cook's Nile Service, S.S. « Fostat »
Jan 16 1927
I have decided against the desert trip – too expensive. Cook asks 250 Egyptian pounds for four days (guide and servant extra) wh[ich] seems to me absurd for what we get out of it – with all that money can buy, it seems a false value – I much prefer to give that amount to y[ou]r Russian fund fund now when the need is great - & the others can get on well without this experience. Please don't worry about money. I am sure some way will be found & with all those at home working the situation will improve. I enclose a letter from Bessy Perkins wh[ich] explains itself – after all one did not expect more that N.Y. committee than about FF1000 ff 1000 at this juncture & here it is – or will be as soon as you tell me where to send it I will write to the Bank in Chicago & have it go direct to [Seth] Gano – or draw on my letter of credit here & send a draft in francs. I do not know wh[ich] will be best. I am looking forward to being with you & neeed you now as never before & I think you owe a little to yourself. You must have three or four months respite, from the strain which you are under most of the year – the most laborious & thankless task of raising money ! You sh[ould] go back in April if necessary & we'll all pull together next summer – will we not ? Good bye – my very dear. All my thoughts & love go to you. We will take an extra day at Aswan & not get to Abydos & you till the 26th or 27th. Karnack was so stupendous last night by moonlight. I wanted you to interpret it for me. We are all well & quote you daily and I long for you hourly
Ever y[ou]rs E [Ryerson]

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Collège de France - Service des archives
