Document d'archives : Firth, Cecil Mallaby

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 36-169

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Thomas Whittemore Esq, c/o Banker Trust Co,
5 Place Vendôme, Paris.
Recto : cachet de la poste : Cairo 19 apr. 25. 630
Photographe : [Detail of a manger in the Tomb of Mereruka (Dyn VI), voir lettre 178]
Photographe : [Another detail of a manger from the same source] Cook's Nile Service, S.S. « Scarab » ## [au verso : croquis]
Athens Mar 30
My dear Forth
There is, I believe, in the mastaba of Mereruka a relief showing a sculptured manger.
I very much need a photograph of this. Will you have a photograph of it made for me & sent as soon as it is easily possible to me in care of the Banker Trust Co 5, Place Vendôme, Paris.
Pray remember me to Mrs. Forth, and believe me,
Yours sincerely, Thomas Whittemore
P.S. Please send the bill for the photograph with the photograph itself. [réponse à la lettre de Whittemore au verso de la même feuille]
Dear Whittemore
April 18 1925
The only photographs of manger in the Tomb of Mereruka (Dyn VI) herewith There is no bill
If they are not what you require please let me know
Yours sincerely Cecil M. Forth

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
