Document d'archives : Écrits d'autres auteurs.

Contenu :

Albert Ramond : rapport présenté à l'American Institute of Mining & Metallugircal Engineers, 1934 (non titré) ; Incentive wage plans and labor relations, New York City, 1937 : livret accompagné d'autres livrets informatifs.
Jean E. Caudron. La mentalité subconsciente de la classe ouvrière à travers le monde, conférence, Paris, 1943 : retranscription tapuscrite ; Le système Bedaux, sans date : tapuscrit, manuscrit.
Auteurs divers : recueils d'articles, textes, rapports et bulletins (1917-1940) ; "La mesure quantitative et qualitative du travail humain Bedaux", sans nom, intervention orale, 1945 : tapuscrit ; General considerations pertaining to the Bedaux plan : International Bedaux Company, sans date : livret ; Hémisphère nord / Mines de charbon / L'organisation rationnelle dans les travaux du fond, M.J. Vial, Revue de l'industrie minérale, 1938 : 3 exemplaires ; Essai de rédaction d'une doctrine de base à incorporer au code de pratics standard, sans nom, sans date : tapuscrit. Pour la suppression du salariat, sans nom, sans date : tapuscrit.
Lettre de Bedaux, n°2, Bedaux IBI : magazine / livret.
Coupures de presse.
2 classeurs intitulé "Book 1" et "Book 2" (le premier : 1917-1930 ; le deuxième : 1930-1940), auteurs divers (dont Charles Bedaux ou M. Ramond)
Sommaire du classeur "Book 1" :
  • Bedaux System of Industrial Measurement by C.E. Bedaux (15 p.)
  • Bedaux Method Briefly Described by A.A. Dobson (3 p.)
  • Labor Shortage - the National Peril by C.E. Bedaux (4 p.), 1917
  • National Perils of Today by C.E. Bedaux (5 p.), 1917
  • Production Problems  by C. Bedaux, 1919
  • Bedaux Premium Method by Frank T. Huffman, 1920
  • Explanation of the Bedaux System (no name or date)
  • Measuring Man Power in Industry by J.G. Donley Jr, 1921
  • Labor Costs Important - Boston Evening Transcript, [Babson], 1921
  • Babson Bulletin : N. England Plants Turn to Emergencies, 1922
  • Bedaux Principles of Human Power Measurement by L.C. Morrow, 1922
  • Limelighting the Slacker by C.E. Bedaux (same as first article)
  • General Outline of Bedaux System
  • Bedaux Wage Payment System, N.I.C.B., 1924
  • Address del. to U. of Cincinnati by C.E. Bedaux (16 p.), 1924
  • K.H. Gumrine, National Acme Co. Cleveland-Order "Education", 1925
  • Walter Grieg address, Am. Sales Book Co., International Printing Pressmen, 1926
  • Babson Bulletin, "Present Status of Bedaux System", 1926
  • Letter to staff from Mr Ramond, 1926
  • Article from "Corriere Della Sera" (Italy), 1927
  • "Whatever the Job We Pay for Accomplishment", Virgil M. Palmer, 1927
  • Mr. Graham's Address to Footwear Foremen, B.F. Goodrich Rubber Co., 1927
  • "Bedaux Method of Measurement" from Mueller Brass Craftsman
  • Observation of the Bedaux System of Wage Payment, Metrop. Life
  • Point Plan for Industrial Control, Harvard Business Review, 1928
  • Addr. to S.F. Chapt. NACA (11 p.), January 1928
  • Address by C.E. Bedaux, N.A.C.A. Rochester, (26 p.), March 1928
  • C.A. Bulletin, Rochester Chapter, April 1928
  • Time Study System of Labor Measurement & Wage Determination, E.W. Mathis, Pacific Goodrich Rubber Co.,  1929
  • Method of Action, (2 p.)
  • Raised Wages, New Bedford Times, 1930
  • Wage Systems - An Appraisal  by H. Sanders, Harvard Business Review, Oct. 1926
Sommaire du classeur "Book 2" :
  • Bedaux Handbook, Manual for Timeclerks, Prod. Aids, Foreman
  • Employees Manual, Columbia Mills, Los Angeles, 1937
  • Bedaux Method, International Cedar Division of Evans Pro. Co., 1937
  • A General Description of Measurement Method (8 p.)
  • What Are the Advantages of a Group Bonus Plan, Robt. Peden, 1930
  • Wage Payment Plan (5 p.)
  • General Considerations Pert. to Bedaux Plan (14 p.)
  • Bedaux Plan of Production & Cost Control (1 p.)
  • Bedaux Method of Labor Measurement, Mr. English, Crown Zell (20), 1930
  • (list of paper executives)
  • Industrial Plans for Supervisory Employees, P.W. Burns, Celluloid Co., Soc. Industrial Engineers (Photostat), April 1930
  • Bedaux Point System of Wage Payment Chapt. V, N.I.C B., 1930 (Photostat also a typed copy)
  • Report (photostat) for Col. Harrison, Creed & Co. Ltd, March 10, 1931
  • Bedaux Idea, Bulletin G 3
  • Bedaux Terminology, Bulletin G 4
  • Measurement of Hunan Effort by A.A. Dobson, Addr. S.F. Sec. Am. Society Mechanical Engineers, May 28, 1931
  • Dislocation, by C.E. Bedaux, Los Angeles & S.F. Chamb. of Commerce
  • Bedaux, T.U.C. Examines the Bedaux System of Payment Results
  • Bedaux Method of Labor Measurement of Pacific Goodrich Rubber Co. by L.W. Mathis
  • Some Differences Between Piece Work & Bedaux Methods E.D.H.
  • Wage Incentive Plan, W.M. Chace Jr., Peerless Laundry, Los Angeles, 1932 (Article in Starchrom Laundry Journal), July 15, 1932
  • Wage Payment Plan General Information (Columbia Standards Plan)
  • Bedaux System, Columbia Mills (mimeo pages)
  • Bedaux Principle of Human Measurement Explanation to Boris Shiskin by C.E. Bedaux, Nov 2, 1933
  • Bedaux System of Labor Measurement, J.C. Carter, Linfield College, 1933 (26 p.)
  • Recovery Act Brings Confidence Earl J. Campbell, Blue Bird Laundry (Art in Laundry Journal), August, 1933
  • Dry Wash at 1c a Piece, L.F. Caswell, Peerless Laundry, Los Angeles (Article in Laundry Age), June, 1934
  • Bedaux Methods by A. Ramond, Addr. at An Inst. of Min & Metallurgical Engineers, State College, Pa., Oct 1934
  • Bedaux System by Geoffrey C. Brown, Cons., Engin., American Federation of Labor
  • Bedaux Method Pac. Manifolding Bk Co. T.B.H., May, 1935
  • Address by J.M. Albert, N.A.C.A., Nov 26, 1935
  • Engineer Plans for control Santa Clara University, Feb 13, 1935
  • Incentive Wage Plans Addr. by A. Ramond, Graduate School of Business, Harvard University, March 16, 1937
  • Bedaux System Art by Harlow S. Person, New Republic, Nov 24, 1937
  • Letter from C.T. Dunn to R.L. Kuhns, Purdue University, Feb 23, 1938
  • Address by W.M. Fannin, N.A.C.A., Saginaw, Michigan, Jan 17, 1940

Cote :


Inventaire d'archives :

274J - Fonds Bedaux (1866-1992)

Langues :

anglais, français

Où consulter le document :

Archives départementales d'Indre-et-Loire

Archives départementales d'Indre-et-Loire
