Document d'archives : 4 mars 1932

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 35-014

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Mar 4 32
10, Kings Avenue, Bromley, Kent.
Dear Prof Whittemore
I have had a happy a'[fter]noon at the museum – but without finding anything about St Anthony or St Paul. I met Gray who has charge of the prints we looked through all they had of Syria – Egypt & Arabia – they had a poor collection. She then sent me on to Wornald of the m/s department but there is no trace of anything there. I shall now try the Royal Geographical where I sometimes spend some hours. I return your letter – please send it back with more detail – is it both St Anthony and St Paul – or is it St Anthony or Paul – am I right in supposing it to be on Mt Sinai. The Museum authorities could through no light on either.
I have several books which have some description of Sinai – one I was recently reading – you probably know it. It was given to me as a Christmas present this last year so recently that I remembered it & looked it up.
PERO TAFUR 1435/1439
Travels & adventures
George Routledge & Son. My copy was published in 1926. It gives a rough & old style picture of St Catherine monastery on Mt Sinai by Gabriel Muffel 1465.
Give me more details and we may be able to find the places you mention in some book. I am afraid I have watered my ink too much
Y[ou]rs sincerely Arthur Baker
I keep your letter as I may need it. You say –
I wonder if you will do something for me. Will you ask in the print room for a print of the 17th or 18th century of the monastery of St Anthony or St Paul on the red sea…
……………………………………………………………………………… The B. I is publishing a book on the monasteries of St Anthony and St Paul You first say monastery of – or –
later monasteries of X and X

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Collège de France - Service des archives
