Document d'archives : Andrae, Tor

Cote :

BYZ-WHI 37-239

Observations :

Transcriptions des lettres et dédicaces
Professor Dr Thomas Wittemore, Istanbul.
Uppsala 20 augusti 1935.
Dear Sir,
My book Der Ursprung des Islams und das Christentum was published in a swedish periodical
« Kyrkohistorisk Arsskrift » / Yearbook for Church history / in the years 1923-1925. Unfortunately there are no separata left, but the three annual volumes of the yearbook can be had for 15 swedish crowns / Ca 15 shillings / by direct order from Docent Dr F. Dahlbom, Uppsala.
I have also rewiewed and amplified my thoughts on the subject in « Muhammed seine Leben und seine Lehre », Göttingen, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 1932/ italian trad. 1933, spanish 1934/.
I take the liberty to send You herewith a little study on the same thema published in Le Monde Oriental.
Yours faithfully
Tor Andrae, Professor

Où consulter le document :

Collège de France - Service des archives
